Would you like to convert your assets to cash?

If you are considering an auction or are buying or selling real estate, Ridgely Auction and Realty can be your best asset. We work hard to earn your business. We’re a full service auction and marketing organization: We plan your sale and advertise aggressively using a variety of media tailored to your needs. From organizing and marketing to cleaning, setting up, clerking, and executing a successful auction, we work hard to ensure a maximum return for your investment in our services.

Ridgely Auction & Realty Co.

Asset Liquidation Specialists

Andy Ridgely, Auctioneer

Darrell Ridgely, Auctioneer/Real Estate Broker

TN Firm # 4804

1715 Parker Store Road
Cedar Grove, TN. 38321
Call or Text 731-694-6213
Office 731-987-2847